The Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat – Char Bagh Garden

An interior courtyard at the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat provides a modern interpretation of a char bagh, or four-part garden, drawn from historic Islamic landscape architecture in South and Central Asia. Landscaped for Canada’s four seasons, the garden is a peaceful sanctuary throughout the year. Plantings include boxwood hedges, Japanese lilac trees, and black scalloped ajugas, all of which create an interesting snowscape in winter. In keeping with His Highness the Aga Khan’s desire for openness and transparency within the Delegation building, the two ends of the garden enclosure are made of glass. The result is an unimpeded line of sight through the courtyard and building between Sussex Drive and Boteler Street.
The Char Bagh is open to the public twice weekly and during special events. Dates and times for public hours are listed on the Aga Khan Foundation Canada website:
The Char Bagh is open to the public twice weekly and during special events. Dates and times for public hours are listed on the Aga Khan Foundation Canada website:
Area: Central
199 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, Ontario
Wheelchair Accessible
Close to OC Transpo stop
Child-Friendly Tours